Dr Karin Lesnik-Oberstein's Homepage

Children's Literature Criticism as an Academic Discipline

Centre for International Research in Childhood (CIRCL)

Reading University

Children's Literature: Criticism and the Fictional Child (Clarendon Press, 1994, reprint 2000)

Children in Culture (1998, via Amazon.com, or print on demand through Palgrave)

Children in Literature (special section of The Yearbook of English Studies, volume 32, 2002)

Children's Literature: New Approaches (Palgrave, 2004)

'The Owned Child and Commodification' , in 'New Antigone' , 1:1, October 2005, 20-7.

[new icon] The Last Taboo: Women and Body Hair (Manchester University Press, 2006)

[new icon] On Having an Own Child: Reproductive Technologies and the Cultural Construction of Childhood (Karnac Books, 2007)

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