

Summary module description:


To introduce the human from a cybernetics viewpoint, in particular to look at the engineering of humans and of assistive machines.

Assessable learning outcomes:

By the end of this module the students should be able to understand:

Additional outcomes:

Outline content:

The course will look at how humans and animals move. This will include the sensory mechanisms that monitor movement, the muscles and the spinal reflex, and hypothesised mechanisms as to how the brain direct movements. Movement patterns considered will include animal gaits, minimum jerk methods, cerebellum predictors and the equilibrium point hypothesis. Applications to prosthetics, orthotics, exoskeletons, and wearables will be explored.

Written exam (open book) 35
Report (and 3 minute presentation)15
Soft technologies (Dr Hayashi) 50

Lecture notes will be updated each week to include the new weeks content

Report and presentations

To be discussed

Formative assessment

Topics that may be included


Academic papers will also be used to cover e.g.Valero-Cuevas[valero2003towards]. Key papers should either be available via the university library, online or on blackboard.


The words

Bioengineering Engineering
Biomedical engineeringMedical Engineering
Biomechanics Mechanics
Biophysics Physics
Biochemical Chemical
Biofeedback Feedback
Biotechnology Technology
Biocybernetic Cybernetic

Look up these words and assess how you identify with the areas they describe.


Anatomical overview

Anatomical directions, movements and planes

Primary human anatomy movement planes. (Wikipedia.org)

See also (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomical_terms_of_location) and (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomical_plane)


Why is it called the Saggital or Coronal plane?

Degrees of freedom

The lower joint pairs (The 6 Reuleaux pairs)

Lower pairs are joints where the two suface constraints remain in contact.

Name (Symbol) DoFcontains typeexample
Revolute (R) 1R planara pin joint or hinge
Prismatic (P) 1P planara drawer
Helical (H) 1R+P 3Da screw or a nut and bolt
Cylindrical (C) 2R+P 3Da radio aerial
Spherical (S) 33R 3Dshoulder
Sliding/Flat (F) 3R+2P 3Dknee
The 6 Lower pairs (slideplayer.com/../The+Six+Lower+Pair+Joints.jpg)

The screw joint can be considered as the most general robot joint. All rigid motion of links in a robot can be described as a combination of screw motions.

Question, how does a screw joint represent

Anatomical joints

W.S. Harwin 24/9/2023