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Current Climate Ensemble simulations (Jan. 1997-Nov.2000), Each with 10 members

The control experiment forced with climatological SSTs of 1961-1990 (xajl). The experiment forced with global observed SSTs (xajf). The experiment with climatological SSTs over Atlantic but with observed SSTs elsewhere (xajr). Monthly mean data in UM format and netcdf format are in machine Fermat in directory /hold/year/lrbwd/umatm/ccemon . The season anomalies in netcdf format for various experiments are stored locally in machine moma in directory /export/moma/data-01/swsdong/umatm/cceavesea and machine kelvin in /export/kelvin/alpha/swsdong/umatm/cceavesea. There is a README file there.

How to prepare SST data (Reynolds SST version 1) for various runs

  • To prepare SST files using Reynolds version 1 is direct. Get the Reynolds SST from site Using a fortran program mksst2.F get program

    and an IO file get IO file

    to generate a global SST data. Using a fortran program mksst2.Fnoatl get program

    and an IO file get IO file

    to generate a global SST data, but with Atlantic (30S-70N) SST replaced by observed climatology (1961-1990). To run the programe you need a Makefile_t3e file to link various libaries get Makefile_t3e

  • Seasonal Climate Forcasting experiments (Dec. 1985-May 2001)

    The experiment forced with global observed SSTs from Dec. 1985 to May 2001 (xatj) with 10 members. The monthly mean and seasonal mean data in UM pp format are in Fermat in directories /hold/year/lrbwd/umatm/scfmon and /hold/year/lrbwd/umatm/scfsea. The seasonal mean anomalies (relative to 1987-2000 mean) in netcdf format are stored locally in moma in directory /export/moma/data-01/swsdong/scf/seaanom. See README file there.

    How to prepare SST data (Reynolds SST version 2) for various runs

  • To prepare SST files using Reynolds version 2 is slightly complicated. Get the Reynolds version 2 SST from site Using a fortran program in local machine to convert it into version 1 format in order to use the previous method to generate SST files. Converted SSTs from 1982 to 2000 are in Fermat in directory /hold/year/lrbwd/sst. The interpolation from from 1 by 1 degree grid to UM grid needs vaules over land. Reynolds SST version 2 does not have values over land, not like version one (values over land are the interpolation from the ocean). Simplely, the climatology of (1961-1990) over land can be used. It has been checked that the resulted SSTs differences (only in some grid points along coast lines) of using monthly values of individual year and monthly values of the climatology over land are very small (typically less than 0.05C). get the climatological data

    Get the program read_monsstv2yc.f get the program

    Then following the precedures to prepare Reynolds version 1 SST.
  • get xfont

    get fwater

    get dongpap

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