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A specially configured (No ENSO) coupled simulation with HadCM3 (150 years) (xala)

The monthly data in UM pp format are in Fermat in directory /hold/year/lrbwd/umcop/month for first 100 years and in directory /hold/year/lrbwd/um_archive/xala for the last 50 years

How to prepare a coupled run with a regional relaxation

  • Get the code of update get the update code

    Get a program, which reads in a UM landsea mask file and produces relaxation coefficeints in selected region. The output file, here named as pacind.txt is needed in update get the program

    The program needs a file, which specifies a region where you want relation (you can change this, for example to only tropical Pacfic). get the file for a region

  • Anomalous freshwater flux experiment.

    These are 10 year long ensemble experiments. The control experiment is Mat's predictability experiment xanu (from h to k, ask Mat) and aaxz (from Dec. year 2079) in /badc/. The perturbed experiment with anomalous freshwater flux impulse (xavc) of 5 members (g to k) are in directory /hold/year/lrbwd/um_archive/xavc. For control experiment, the outputs every 5 day (for first 8 months) (xavl) are in /hold/year/lrbwd/um_archive/xavl, which have the same intital condition as in xanu (from h to k, ask Mat) and aaxz. The seasonal mean variables and 5 day output (first 8 months) in netcdf format are stored locally in machine mars in directory /export/mars/bigdisk/swsdong/umcop/sen/season and /export/mars/bigdisk/swsdong/umcop/sen/day5.

    How to prepare a dump file with anomalous salinity in a selected region

    Use a program which reads in a dump file, makes changes in salinity and outputs a new dump file. get the program

    Get a drs file which has a unit 1 over global ocean. get dic file get a dat file

    Get a file which specifies region where the salinity to be changed. get text file

    To compile the program in Turing by using f90 xxx.f /ehome/lrjwc/lib/libumutil.a /ehome/lrjwc/lib/libutil.a /ehome/lrjwc/lib/libdrs.a -I/ehome/lrjwc/include -o xxx back to Buwen's home page