Here is a preprint of:

View-based approaches to spatial representation in human vision
Glennerster, A., Hansard, M.E. and Fitzgibbon, A.W., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5064, 193-208 (2009)

..or you can get the article from Springer (subscription required).

In an immersive virtual environment, observers fail to notice the expansion of a room around them and consequently make gross errors when comparing the size of objects. This result is difficult to explain if the visual system continuously generates a 3-D model of the scene based on known baseline information from interocular separation or proprioception as the observer walks. An alternative is that observers use view-based methods to guide their actions and to represent the spatial layout of the scene. In this case, they may have an expectation of the images they will receive but be insensitive to the rate at which images arrive as they walk. We describe the way in which the eye movement strategy of animals simplifies motion processing if their goal is to move towards a desired image and discuss dorsal and ventral stream processing of moving images in that context. Although many questions about view-based approaches to scene representation remain unanswered, the solutions are likely to be highly relevant to understanding biological 3-D vision.

I can email a pdf of the article on request (a.glennerster 'at'

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